Nourish Programs


Food Access


Food Education

a picture of a plant

Seed to Table

Meet the Team

Crystal Gallant, Nourish Family Food Centre Coordinator 613-725-1733 ext 202


Queen Umulinga, Nourish Family Food Centre Assistant 613-725-1733 ext 105

nourish coordinator

Food Share

All Families Have The Right To Healthy, Affordable Food


All families have the right to healthy, affordable food. Unfortunately, we still have families living in situations where they cannot meet all their financial obligations with the resources they have. In order to support these families while they work towards economic sustainability, we provide a Food Share Program.

How do we achieve this?

We strive to improve the well-being of young families across Ottawa through our high school completion program, economic development programs like Hope Ventures and through budgeting, home management, gardening and cooking classes.

Our Food Share Program is supported by the Ottawa Food Bank, The Salvation Army Canada and many concerned and caring local donors. We hope that some day we will not need programs like this, because everyone will have the resources to provide their families what they need through financial independence and choice.

How can I access the Food Share Program?

The Food Share Program is open every Friday from 9 a.m.-11 am.. Please register for this program by contacting our Nourish Coordinator. Throughout the week, Food Share is also available on an emergency basis.

Please contact us if you are new to the program and would like more information or if you would like to donate time or resources to the program.

Contact person:

Crystal Gallant

Nourish Family Food Centre Coordinator
613-725-1733 ext 202

Served Meals

Every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Bethany Hope Centre serves nourishing lunches to families at our Centre, and Monday evenings, dinner is served at Messy Church.

Serving meals increases food security in the families we support and facilitates food education opportunities.


School Lunch Box Program

Every child deserves a healthy lunch


The Nourish Lunch Box program is designed to support access to nutritious food options and skill-building for young families with school-aged children.

The program runs weekly and provides items for lunches boxes such as fruit, veggies, cheese, meats, bread and other healthy options. Parents are invited to participate in a weekly information session that provides different ideas for lunch box items and picky eaters.

For more information about this program or to find out if your family is eligible, contact: or call 613-725-1733 ext 202

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BHC Garden

Our BHC garden was inaugurated in 2014 with a small corner plot beside the playground and has since expanded along the entire pathway leading up to our Centre! Bethany Hope Centre families, as well as the community, are welcome to harvest fruits and vegetables from our garden, and whatever is leftover is given to families through our Nourish programs.

Urban Gardens have many therapeutic properties and require less space than one would think. They allow the families of Bethany Hope Centre and the surrounding community to interact with food in a new way. Seed to table is an experience many urban families have never had. Children help to plant, water and harvest crops. Parents engage with their children about what is growing; conversations about nature and healthy eating are stimulated. Families can harvest as they need it, items are added to our meal programs and food share and new cooking opportunities like canning arise.

If you are interested in supporting this program as a donor or volunteer, please contact:

Crystal Gallant
Nourish Family Food Centre Coordinator
613-725-1733 ext 202

Our Partners

salvation army logo
mazon logo
ottawa food bank logo
telus logo
nourish lunchbox logo
good food organization logo
Canada Prenatal nutrition program (cpnp) logo