You are helping to Nourish our community.
Weekly Foodshare/Food bank
Nourish Lunchbox Program
Gardens to grow fresh produce
Served meals

Supporting pregnant and parenting youth and their children with access to essential health supports.
Access to a Community Outreach Nurse
Pre-natal programming
Wellness Checks

Facilitating healthy development and well-being of children in our community.
Enriching childcare
Child Developmental screening
Access to essential needs

Young parents will receive the guidance and tools to support wellness in their family, and navigate barriers they may face.
Individual support
Positive parenting programs
Wellness programs
Referrals for mental health support

Helping young parents to achieve their education and employment goals to help build a stable life for their family.
Access to on-site childcare
Classroom with internet access
Support from our Learning Coach!

Spiritual care is present and give hopes and comfort to families.
Faith-based programs
Messy Church
A listening ear in a difficult time