Employment & Education Support

 « It’s amazing what we can do when we come together. » 

At the Bethany Hope Centre, we depend on the generosity of our community for help in delivering our services. Although financial help is always welcome for a non-profit charitable organization such as ours,  we also need people to volunteer their time or talent so that we can provide the many programs and services on which our clients depend.

There are a number of established volunteer positions available but we are also looking for whatever skills you feel might be a good fit!  If you are willing and have some time to donate to a worthy cause, we’d be delighted to hear from you.

Young parents carrying child

Young parents tell us that employment is one of their number one concerns. We can help!

Learning Coach Program - computers and equipments

One of the main reasons young parents come to Bethany Hope is to finish high school. We can help!

Explore volunteering with The Bethany Hope Centre

Meet Our Learning Coach

Learning Coach, Matthew Dingley

613-725-1733 ext. 208 | OttawaBHC.lc@salvationarmy.ca 

Connect with Matt to explore employment and education pathways!

Youth Job Connect

Weekly visits from a Youth Job Connect worker provide parents who qualify with access to an excellent employment program.