
The Salvation Army is an international Christian organization whose work began in London, England in 1865 when William Booth, a minister, abandoned the conventional concept of a church and a pulpit and took his message of hope to the poor, the homeless, the hungry and the destitute.  By 1867 The Salvation Army had developed into a ministry offering basic schooling, reading rooms, penny banks, soup kitchens and relief aid to the destitute.

The Salvation Army started its work in Canada in 1882 and quickly began giving hope to those in need throughout the country.  It serves over 1.85 million people each year in over 400 communities in Canada and is now the largest non-governmental direct provider of social services in the country.  

To accommodate the changing times, The Salvation Army in Canada continues to evolve and has undertaken Mobilize 2.0 which is a transformation program that included the creation of a vision for The Salvation Army Canada and Bermuda Territory so that we know where we are heading, and the development of a strategic plan that will help our movement get there.  While the same values and aspirations still exist, our primary goal is always to advance and find innovative solutions to better address rising community needs.

The Salvation Army is an international Christian church.

Its message is based on the Bible; its ministry is motivated by love for God and the needs of humanity.


The Salvation Army exists to share the love of Jesus Christ, meet human needs and be a transforming influence in the communities of our world.


HOPE: We give hope through the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

SERVICE: We reach out to support others without discrimination.

DIGNITY: We respect and value each other, recognizing everyone’s worth.

STEWARDSHIP: We responsibly manage the resources entrusted to us.

More about the work of The Salvation Army in Canada

mission - hand holding heart


 The Salvation Army Bethany Hope Centre mission is to support, equip and empower adults, youth and children in the Ottawa Region by building services, partnerships and faith-based community spirit with a primary focus on young parents and their children. 

a girl swinging


As an innovative partner, we envision a community in which young parent families feel support, have dignity and know the love of God.

hand holing tree plant


In addition to The Salvation Army core values, we will carry out the mission of the  Bethany Hope Centre mindful of the following values:

Compassion | Community | Respect | Change | Accountability

Historically,  the Salvation Army has been committed to ministering to young single women in need, both expectant and new mothers, in Ottawa over the past century. Although aspects of this ministry have changed (significantly to include the needs of young fathers and couples), both the practical aspects of this service and its spiritual motivation have remained constant.

Prior to 1913 – Originally, the site of the program was known as a children’s home called Redemption House.  


 Bethany Home was established by The Salvation Army as a maternity home. 


 Bethany Home moved to its Hintonburg site on Wellington St West. 


Bethany transitioned into a maternity home, in partnership with the Grace Hospital (now Grace Manor) located next door.


Bethany Home faced a financial crisis which resulted in the closure of its residential beds. Bethany joined in partnership with other agencies, including St. Mary’s Home, Youville Centre, Zonta Centre for Young/Single Parents and Emily Murphy Non-Profit Housing to form the Young/Single Parents Support Network* in 1995.  The Bethany Hope Centre began services to young parent families. 


100 years later,  The Bethany Hope Centre moved to its current location at 820 Woodroffe Avenue.

*The Young/Single Parents Support Network continues with four of its founding agencies, (minus Zonta which has since closed). 

Our Mission

Our Vision

The Salvation Army exists to share the love of Jesus Christ,
meet human needs,
and be a transforming influence in the
communities of our world.

We are an innovative partner,
mobilized to share hope wherever there is hardship,
building communities that are just and know the love of Jesus.

Our Values


We give hope through the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ.


We reach out to support others without discrimination.


We respect and value each other, recognizing everyone’s worth.


We responsibly manage the resources entrusted to us