Earning a diploma takes time, but it’s worth it.
Bethany Hope Centre is here to support you on your education journey.
Whether you need 1 credit or 30, we’re here to help.
A Pathway Ahead
The Learning Coach Program helps young parents continue with their education during a challenging period in their lives. Rather than putting their education on hold to meet the needs of a new member of the family, the Learning Coach Program shows new parents the way ahead during what can be a financially and emotionally difficult time.

The Learning Coach
Our Learning Coach will be very happy to meet with you to discuss your high school education goals. You can contact them by text or email:
613-799-2668 | lc@bethanyhopecentre.ca
Achieve Your Goal
We’re open Monday to Friday from 9:00 – 3:30. You can receive help remotely or in the classroom (by appointment only). By taking small steps, such as registering for a course, you can get started on a better pathway for yourself and your family. Give us a call!

Bursary Program

Don’t Have Microsoft Word?
There’s a free and safe alternative. Try LibreOffice. It’s community driven and not-for-profit.
Online Course Tutorials
How to Share with Google Docs and Outlook OneDrive
Taking an online course? Need to save and share your work quickly and easily? Find out how by learning about free services hidden in your email inbox page.
The Learning Coach Program Explained
Check out this quick introduction to
BHC’s education program.
Our Community Partners
The City of Ottawa’s LEAP Program

The Learning Coach program wouldn’t exist without the financial support of LEAP. LEAP is a division within Ontario Works that aims to help young people living on social assistance finish high school, gain work experience and learn more about parenting. LEAP is a Partners for Jobs employment activity of the City of Ottawa that is designed to meet the needs of young parents receiving social assistance.
If you’re a parent between the ages of 18 and 25 receiving Ontario Works, and have not completed high school, you are encouraged to take advantage of the LEAP program. Young parents on Ontario Works can find out more about LEAP from their case coordinators.
Continuing Education

Continuing Education, part of the the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board, offers a very valuable program called « Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition » or PLAR. This program is a formal evaluation and credit granting process whereby mature students may obtain credits for prior learning. Prior learning includes the knowledge and skills that students have acquired, in both formal and informal ways, outside secondary school.
Students may have their knowledge and skills evaluated against the expectations outlined in provincial curriculum policy documents in order to earn credits towards the secondary school diploma.
The Independent Learning Centre

Many of the courses we offer to clients come from the Independent Learning Centre in Toronto. ILC has been tasked by the Ontario Government to provide distance education to the people of Ontario.
ILC provides this service by offering online courses. If you’d like to learn more about their services, visit ILC.org.