We see a God-raised, Spirit-filled Army for the 21st century—convinced of our calling and moving forward together into the world of the hurting, broken, lonely, dispossessed and lost, reaching them in love by all means with the transforming message of Jesus, bringing freedom, hope and life.
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1. Spiritual Health
To cultivate the spiritual well-being of Salvationists, employees, volunteers and the people we serve.
• Educate and encourage people to live holy lives (e.g. prayer, Bible study, preaching, service, etc.)
• Encourage all ministry units and programs to identify spiritual objectives
• Develop diverse resources that foster spiritual health
2. Leadership Development
To give Salvationists and employees opportunities to grow their leadership potential to advance the mission.
• Invite Salvationists to explore officership as a vocation
• Promote the role of local officers in the corps
• Invest in leadership development and succession planning
• Equip Salvationists to lead others in service to the community
• Make coaching a priority for those with leadership potential
3. Social Justice
To promote the dignity of all people, with a focus on the marginalized and vulnerable.
• Deliver services in ways that respect and value people
• Educate Salvationists, employees and others about living justly
• Develop resources and stand up against situations of injustice that oppress and marginalize people
4. Integrated Mission
To strengthen communities by responding holistically to the needs of the people we serve.
• Motivate and equip all ministry units to embrace integrated mission as a way of life
• Implement an approach to service that cares for the whole person—body, mind and spirit
• Encourage every ministry unit to engage in evangelistic and social initiatives that transform communities
• Capitalize on the strengths of the people we serve in order to help them reach their full potential
5. Children & Youth
To lead children and youth to faith in Christ and foster their spiritual development.
• Implement strategies to effectively reach and minister to children and youth
• Develop and utilize Salvation Army-specific resources and programs (e.g. CrossZone, Ready to Serve, Just for Kids, etc.)
• Identify and equip Salvationists to lead children and youth programs
• Provide opportunities for children and youth to develop leadership skills (e.g. camp staff, corps council membership, music programs, etc.)
• Engage entire families in children and youth discipleship
6. The Gospel & Transformation
To share the gospel, lead people to Christ and nurture them in their faith.
• Provide evangelism training and resources that empower Salvationists and others to share their faith
• Adapt outreach methods to best reach people for Christ
• Encourage ministry units to work and witness outside of their buildings to bring hope to their communities
• Embrace cultural diversity with sensitivity and openness
• Care for all creation as an act of worship to God
• Create diverse opportunities for worship grounded in Salvation Army doctrine and practice
• Celebrate stories of transformation and new life in Christ
7. Discipleship
To encourage Salvationists to develop their relationships with God and express their faith through acts of service.
• Equip Salvationists to actively serve their communities in mission
• Develop Salvation Army-specific discipleship resources
• Ensure that every ministry unit offers programs and resources for Christian education (e.g. Bible studies, small groups, Faith & Friends magazine, etc.)
• Increase enrolment of senior soldiers and junior soldiers
• Emphasize mentoring relationships
Glossary of Terms:
An adult member of a Salvation Army corps who has not signed the Soldier’s Covenant.
A document presented publicly, authorizing an officer, or local officer to fulfill a specified ministry.
A Salvation Army unit established for the preaching of the gospel, worship, teaching and fellowship and to provide Christian-motivated service in the community.
Corps Council:
A committee comprised of selected corps attendees who advise and assist the corps officer(s) on matters concerning the progress and well-being of the corps, including spiritual life, budgeting, work among young people, etc.
Corps Officer:
A commissioned Salvation Army officer in charge of a corps.
The process by which followers of Jesus Christ grow and mature in their faith.
Sharing the message of Jesus Christ through various means for the purpose of introducing others to Jesus.
Junior Soldier:
A boy or girl who, having accepted Jesus as their Saviour, has signed the Junior Soldier’s Promise and become a Salvationist.
Local Officer:
A senior soldier appointed to an unpaid position of responsibility and authority within the corps.
Ministry Unit:
A Salvation Army centre which may be a corps, a social service centre, an administrative office, etc.
A senior soldier who has been trained, commissioned and ordained to full time service and leadership, in response to God’s call. An officer is a recognized minister of religion.
Includes all officers, senior soldiers, junior soldiers and adherents. This does not include employees, clients, donors, volunteers and other Salvation Army supporters.
Senior Soldier:
A member of a Salvation Army corps over the age of 13 who has signed the Soldier’s Covenant.
Soldier’s Covenant:
The statement of beliefs and promises which every intending soldier is required to sign before enrollment.